New Glock, Model 43, Caliber 9mm, 4 Mags (6rds each), Books, Bore Rod, Bore Brush, Case, Lock.
We ship to an FFL holder:
Federal law requires all modern firearms be shipped to a holder of a valid Federal Firearms License (FFL). Any person who is legally allowed to own a firearm is legally allowed to ship it to an FFL holder for any legal purpose (including sale or resale).
If you do not have a Federal Firearms License:
Any person who does not have an FFL is considered to be an unlicensed person. We ship modern firearms to a licensed FFL dealer only. If the buyer is not licensed, they will need to make arrangements to have the item shipped to a licensed FFL dealer in their state.
Before we ship a gun, the buyer must fax or mail Us a copy of the dealer's signed FFL license. We only ship the gun to the address on the license. We take a copy of the signed FFL with us when you take the item to be shipped.
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